Thursday, October 12, 2017


The first picture shown was taken in the art room with bright, cool toned lights. I selected a white cotton round and a white ping pong ball for my comparison. When placed next to each other in this setting, the white cotton round appeared much lighter and had an essence of blue in its tone. The white ping pong ball hardly looked white at all in comparison, and it seemed to possess grayish, lavender tones.

The second picture was taken in a hallway with much dimmer, warmer toned lighting. In this lighting, the contrast between the two objects is even more intense. The white cotton round looks dingy and appears to now have yellow undertones, but I feel that it's still identifiable as white. On the other hand, it would be very difficult to identify the ping pong ball as white next to the cotton round when placed in this lighting. It's hard to see in this picture, but in person the ping pong ball took on a sort of greenish tan hue.

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